Women problems

 Women have lots of problem in society, it started by birth.



·      If girl is born, in some society she is considered as a burden.

·      after birth girl educational drop rates is high – but during and after covid it is observed in increase in boy drop rate after primary education.

·      Lets talk about some dark reality of men towards women – 

o   90 % men before marriage consider their female friend as an option for fun only.

o   They consider them as a side option.

o   Men being in relationship try to keep another relation as a backup by changing their name of relationship only (like companion, colleague, best friend, etc.)

o   Men use their backup friend when they had a fight with girlfriend, wife, etc.

o   Only few real men are available in the market their features are-

§  They are real, hides nothing.

§  They are dedicated in their personal relationship.

§  They avoid to talk with another female when they are in relationship.

§  They don’t need any backup.

§  They try to keep their partner as a family even before marriage.

§  They are somewhat possessive.

§  They really care.

§  If they have any female friend, they try to keep themselves away from them to not to make their life more complicated.

§  They are true worriers.

o   90% women after marriage faces forced sex after marriage but cases remain under reported just to keep their marriage and they never say anything to anyone about this. 



Till now the solutions can be love marriage, and also women need to be more aware about their surrounding men, time of relation doesn’t matter, people changes with time as hormones changes, choose your partner wisely don’t go only for money, try to look for caring partner.   




  1. When I started reading... as a girl of age 27 i can easily able to relate all this things girls of smaller age are unable to understand this earlier... but later ... definately they will ... so it is better to understand it now...


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