Micronutrients: Minerals


Minerals are important for your body to stay healthy. 

Your body uses minerals for many different jobs, including keeping your bones, muscles, heart, and brain working properly. 

Minerals are also important for making enzymes and hormones. There are microminerals which are needed by the human body in large quantities and then there are trace minerals which are needed by our body in small quantities.



Functions of calcium are not just limited to bone health and go far beyond it. 

Calcium is needed to regulate heart rhythms, aid in muscle function and regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels. 

Calcium is mostly found in bones and it literally constitutes 2% of your total bodyweight, therefore you need it in high dosage. 

Food sources like milk contain calcium, but it can also be fond of green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach and collard greens. Calcium deficiency would give you brittle bones and weak bones, osteoporosis, weakness and fatigue, and it can delay your child's growth and development.



It is involved in hundreds of cellular activities that the brain, heart, kidneys and liver rely on to keep the body functioning properly. 

It also helps in balancing hormones naturally and ultimate nutrients from the food that we eat By the way, phosphorus is the second most abundant element in the human body and makes up for 1% of an adult body.

 Some common phosphorus deficiencies are weak bones, joint and muscle aches, numbness and tingling and anxiety. Food rich in phosphorus is sunflower seeds, raw milk, beans, tuna, almonds, brown rice and eggs.



It is the third most abundant mineral in the body. It’s needed for numerous cellular functions, including regulating heartbeat rhythms and nerve impulses, allowing muscles to contract, preventing muscle aches, supporting digestive health and boosting energy levels.

 Note: Potassium is the main compound that interacts with sodium to perform a number of important functions every single day, especially balancing fluids and mineral levels within the body. It’s why having low potassium levels can be so dangerous. 

Low levels of potassium can result in increased blood pressure, higher risk of kidney stones, fatigue and trouble getting good sleep Common food sources are beans, avocado, broccoli, sweet potato. 


 Sodium is a very important mineral in our bodies because it plays a role in maintaining fluid balance.

 It's essential for muscle constriction and nerve transmission. Deficiency of sodium is not common, as processed foods today contains a lot of sodium. 

The top sources are obviously the table salt. if there is a sodium deficiency in case, then severe vomiting may suffice. 


This important mineral help regulate calcium, potassium and sodium It's also essential for cellular health and a critical component of over 300 biochemical functions in the body. 

Top food sources are spinach, yoghurt or kefir, black beans, avocado and banana. Common magnesium deficiency symptoms include leg cramps, insomnia, muscle pain, and anxiety. 


It plays a role in numerous chemical processed, including synthesis of nutrients like cholesterol, carbohydrates and proteins. 

Involved in bone formation and helps balance hormones naturally Food sources rich in manganese are sprouted grains, legumes, beans, nuts and seeds. Manganese deficiency can result in bone loss, muscle and joint pain and mood swings. 


Iron deficiency is one of the most common deficiencies in the world. 

Its a trace mineral found in every living cell in our bodies.

 Helps prevent anaemia (which is caused by a low production of red blood cells and haemoglobin) -Helps support ongoing energy by helping enough oxygen to reach cells. 

-Also helps with the metabolic enzyme processes that the body carries out to digest proteins and absorb nutrients from food Top iron food sources are liver, beef, lentils, spinach, and raisins. 

Symptoms of iron deficiency include lack of energy and fatigue, pale skin, shortness of breath. 


Zinc plays a role in more than hundred enzymatic reactions in the body -Needed for healthy cell division -ACts like antioxidant Fighting free radical damage -Slows down ageing process Foods rich in zinc are lamb, pumpkin seeds, beef, chickpeas, cashews Zinc deficiency can cause digestive problems, hormonal imbalance, nerve dysfunction and weak immunity.  


Selenium plays a protective role as it antioxidant capabilities and therefore lowers free radical damage and inflammation -Defends against heart disease, fights off viruses Food sources that are high in selenium are brazil nuts, eggs, liver, tuna and sunflower seeds. Deficiency can cause poor immune function, cognitive decline, increased risk of mortality. 


 Copper Deficiency causes fatigue, arthritis, paleness, anaemia, brittle bones.

 -Support a healthy metabolism, helps provide the body with energy -Needed for proper brain function Best copper foods are beef liver, cashews, chickpeas, kale. 


Chromium Helps control blood sugar and prevent diabetes, helps reduce high cholesterol, may help prevent weight gain and overeating Best food sources are broccoli, grapes, garlic, orange, apples Deficiency can include poor glucose control, weak bones and bone loss, lower energy and fatigue. 



 Iodine Supports thyroid health by making hormones thyroxine Helps prevent cancer -Prevents impaired growth and development in children Food sources are Yogurt, milk, eggs, tuna. 

Deficiency includes muscle pains and weakness increased risk of thyroid diseases and skin problems.


Molybdenum plays a role in nervous system metabolism particular metabolism of the nervous system messaging molecules (neurotransmitters) epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and melatonin. -Also known to be required information of unique proteins called amidoxime reducing component proteins or mARC. These proteins play important roles in mitochondrial function. Top food sources include kidneys beans, peas, lentils, oats, tomatoes Deficiencies include metabolic disturbances, and neurological changes. 

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