You are the average of five people you spend the most time with

 You are the average of five people you spend the most time with.

If you have big dreams, big ambitions, you want to do something in your life then it is very important that you have a partner also with big dreams. If you partner with different ambition or lower ambition, he/she will drag you down, you will feel lagging behind in your life, you will feel lost from your goal, you are unable to work on it, and you will end up with nothing in your hand, everything is lost and you are too much behind in your life with regret, frustration and much more. 

You are the average of five people you are spending your most of the time. Say, when you are living with a smart, dedicated, happy, un-manipulative person, your personality, your mindset, your thinking level, your mood also become like them. In this environment you will progress forever. 

And if you are living with un-dedicated, manipulative, partying then you also become like them, you will find yourself doing the same thing as they do, you’re thinking level also gets affected. And the worst thing is you are no more in your control you can say that you will put your mind in the pocket and other one will keep manipulating you.   

There are several more problems you will face but these are not instantaneous you will face them in future. At that time, you will have regret only. 


  • Avoid negative peoples. 

  • Don’t consider the first person you met is your best friend or partner. There are always best and worst people available. Always go for the best, don’t hesitate to leave the worst people because as much time you will take to leave them, they will spoil you that much. 

  • Start saying “No”. It is not mandatory to be available for everyone. If you are available to everyone you are ruining your time and life. 

  • Focus on your life and career, no one going to do this for you. People are always available for partying, roaming, you have to decide what you have to do.

  • Use your brain and decision on time i.e., before getting too late otherwise you are going to regret. 

  • Respect people who support you in your career. If you lose them you are going to regret it. 

  • Try to find the people of your type. Like your aim, like minded, hangout with them. 

  • Leave people who waste your time, not allowing you to focus on your aim. 

  • Take your decision by yourself, find it by yourself. It's your life, keep its control in your hand. 

These things are hard to do but it will definitely give you positive results and you will progress in your life. It is hard to cut toxic people because they are so addictive. They will leave you nowhere in life.  

Don’t just read it, do your research and find out odds in your life.

If everything going just fine in your life than do more new things. And try to find more good people around you. 

All The Best! 
