Social media the fake reality

 Social media the fake reality


The first social media site, Six Degrees, was created in 1997. The original purpose of social media is not only for you to communicate with other people. It's also an effective tool for business promotion. It's not only a way to let people know that you exist, but to get to know your audience. And when you do, you surely will be successful.

Social media are interactive technologies that allow the creation or sharing/exchange of information, ideas, career interests, and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks.


Now days social media giving people mental pressure, their happiness depends on it they want other people opinion who likes their pic who don’t, they constantly check how many likes they got, in some cases people add many strangers (unknown people) which leads to bullying and cybercrime.  Internet are almost filled with the articles that how social media is harmful for mental health. Linking one article below check this out:


Now on social media the fake happiness increases everyone is trying to show that how much they are happy. They just want popularity they don’t believe in real happiness this is real reason which is leading to depression. Some people are really do their extreme they are in hospital or in bad mood but they have time to check out their Instagram or other social media platform instead to talking to those people who is really concern about them but they are constantly trying to impress those who don’t care at all. 


Stop faking happiness, stop torturing your mind. The person who keeps constantly check their social every time they pick up their phone (excluding those are Woking professionally on it) are mentally ill person. They need to detoxify social media as soon as possible. 

Those people who are addicted to social media are need to have life. They are real fake people, they trying to impress those people who never cares, don’t fake happiness let it come from inside. Don’t spend your precious time on those things which is not going to give anything other than mental illness and problems in personal life also. Think about those who really cares, not those who is never met with you. Don’t seek for others validation on your pics, those who love you is never going to check you profile because they have you in live and they have your pics too they don’t need your profile to see. 

Now its your turn to love who really care or fake one. Its your choice to stay away from mental torture or want to be depressed, irritated, frustrated and hurt who really cares. 






