Problem of Indian Youth

 Problem of Indian Youth


Wants of Indian Women


In surveys most of the Indian women have not taken formal school education due to mensuration.

According to survey most of girls drop their studies after class 5 i.e. the age when they start mensuration cycle.


What women wants regarding their career?

Approx. 80% of Indian women are not financially independent. Due to high dropout rates, dropouts due absence of proper sanitization facility in schools and lack of proper knowledge.


There is a research done on by creating some profile. In that research researchers created some profiles in which they found -


* The profile in which status of woman showing working, the matched partner asked them to leave their jobs after marriage – In 95 % men don’t want working partner.


* The profile in which status of woman is showing not working they got more positive results.


Arrange Marriage VS Love Marriage

Statistics shows the rate of arrange marriage is 90%.

However, when researchers asks women that what really they want – Women want Love Marriage if they are able to find a good partner, but due to bad career or dependence on family financially they are unable to live with their desiring partner.


* The preference of marriage is different than what the statics is showing.



Dowery system is available in every class of society i.e. in Lower class to Higher class.


One system through which dowery can be avoided is Love Marriage.


* Most Indian Women want to marry someone who live at a distance of 4 Hours from their maternal house.


The opposite of these things also available in Indian – In some areas of India men wants to merry working and progressive women who is focused on their career.


So, it depends in arrange system how the family going to treat women later but in love marriage everything is clear beforehand.


As a matter of fact it is required to promote love marriage to decrease casteism in Indian society and make it more acceptable and secular.
