

The best place to start with a social media campaign is with your branding.

 When you first create your accounts, it’s crucial to ensure that you create a consistent presence with a strong unifying identity.

 This is what will allow your various social media accounts to work synergistically together and with each of your other marketing strategies. 

Essentially then, this means having a strong logo that you can incorporate into your profile images and your cover images and it means having the same recognizable brand name on every account as well.

 The more consistent you are graphically and with regards to your ‘message’, the more each interaction with one of your accounts will strengthen your visibility.

 What’s more, this consistency will help to make your brand appear professional and well thought out. Likewise, you also need to connect your various social media accounts and even your website. 

This means that you should have buttons on your website making it easy for visitors to start following you on social media and it means that your website should be linked on your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Rather than thinking of your website and your social media as separate, try to think of them as interconnected aspects of the same strategy. 

Your social media should help to increase traffic to your website yes, but likewise it is just as important that your website help to promote and grow your social media.

 This way, your social media will provide a convenient way for  your one-off visitors to keep up to date with your latest content and to subscribe without giving an e-mail.

 When they visit your page and see it has the same design as your site they’ll be impressed and all the more likely to remember you and look for you in future. Finally, make sure you’re on as many social media sites as possible.

 The more sites you set yourself up an account with, the more in-roads you create to your business and the more future marketing opportunities you create for yourself.

Next: Sharing Content
