How to Get Traffic from Social Media

 How to Get Traffic from Social Media

 If you’re looking to increase your number of regular visitors then social media is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal. 

There are many things that make social media so useful for increasing traffic.

 The first of course is that any social media platform will instantly provide a large captive audience – Facebook has more users than most countries have residents for instance. 

What’s more important still though, is the way that social media sites leverage social networks in order to allow content to spread and even go viral. 

If you share something on Facebook or Twitter for instance, there is a ton of ways that your followers, fans and friends can share it with their extended network. Finally, social media is powerful because it allows for communication. 

This means you don’t just share the content you want people to see – you can comment on it and add context and discussion to drive even more attention there. So how do you take advantage of all these benefits of social media and get your account to start growing? 

Through Branding and Sharing content.

Putting it Altogether 

Now, you might be wondering how all this can help you to get more traffic to your website. All we’ve seen is how to set up a social media profile on multiple accounts and then share good content on it. 

Where are those new visitors coming from? While it might seem a little circular, repeating this process over and over can actually help you to slowly gain momentum and to build more and more visitors. 

It works a little like this: First time visitor comes to your site

  First time visitor signs up to your social media and becomes follower 

Follower sees one of your engaging articles posted on Facebook 

Follower clicks to return to your site  

Follower shares your content creating a new first time visitor

  Return to start.

 Then multiply this by all the different social media accounts you’re going to be on and suddenly you have a self-perpetuating cycle that is bringing in more and more visitors all the time. 

Top Tip: 

Share your content in specific communities like Facebook Pages and G+ communities to reach specific niches.

 You can use this to target people who will likely be interested in your site who aren’t already followers and you can also use it to cross pollinate.

 For instance, if you have a martial arts website/business, then writing about free running for martial artists and posting in a free running community is a great way to reach a wider audience. 


Sharing Content
